Europæisk prisopgave, indkaldelse til 2024
EFNIL kårer Europas bedste specialer indenfor sprogstudierne
EFNIL er den Europæiske Samarbejdsorganisation for Nationale Sproginstitutioner (the European Federation of National Institutions for Language).
EFNIL inviterer studerende til at deltage i en konkurrence med henblik på at kåre Europas tre bedste specialer indenfor emnerne sprogbrug, sprogpolitik og flersproglighed.
Hver vinder modtager:
- ‘The EFNIL Master’s Thesis Award’ (1.500 euro)
- En indbydelse til at præsentere specialets resultater på den årlige EFNIL-konference (med alle udgifter betalt)
- Mulighed for at udgive en videnskabelig artikel (baseret på specialet) i EFNILs eget tidsskrift
- Mulighed for at udgive specialet i sin helhed på EFNILs hjemmeside:
Dansk Sprognævn er medlem af EFNIL. Se det fulde opslag på engelsk herunder og på EFNILs hjemmeside.
Læs om vinderne af prisopgaverne i de tidligere år på EFNILs hjemmeside.
EFNIL Master’s Thesis Award 2024. Call for submissions
The EFNIL Master’s Thesis Award is an annual competition to find the best master’s theses in Europe within the area of language use, language policy and multilingualism.
We are interested in studies that relate to the fields mentioned above, such as bilingual language learning, language teaching strategies, language use in multilingual settings, aims and effects of language policies, comparative studies of language policies, language technology and multilingualism, translation and interpretation.
The language(s) studied in the thesis may be any of the European languages.
The thesis should be written in one of the official EU/EEA languages (please note that English is still one of them).
The students that submit the best theses will each be awarded:
1. the EFNIL Master’s Thesis Award (1500 Euro)
2. an invitation to present their thesis at the annual international EFNIL conference (all expenses paid)
3. the opportunity to publish an article based on their thesis in EFNIL’s annual conference proceedings
4. the opportunity to publish the full thesis on EFNIL’s website
Deadline for submission is 15 January 2024.
Theses assessed by a university in 2023 and until 15 January 2024, are accepted. Detailed information on conditions for participation and selection of the winners is found here: Master’s Thesis Award — European Federation of National Institutions for Language (
You can find the full text of the call on the EFNIL website.