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The Danish Sign Language Council

See here for some information on Danish Sign Language in English.

Forside/Dansk Tegnsprog/The Danish Sign Language Council

Legal framework

The Danish Sign Language Council was established through an amendment to the Language Council Law on 13 May 2014.


It offers advice and information, in addition to devising principles and guidelines for monitoring Danish Sign Language.

The Department of Danish Sign Language is a subsidiary of the Danish Language Council.


The Sign Language Council has five members:

  • Flemming Wang Jensen (Nominated by The Ministry of Social Affairs, Housing and Senior Citizens)
  • Helle Skjoldan (Nominated by the Danish Association for the Deaf)
  • Mads Jonathan Pedersen, chairman (Nominated by the Danish Language Council)
  • Tinne Steen Lund, vice chairman (Nominated by The Ministry of Higher Education and Science)
  • Jens Luckenback (Nominated by the Danish Language Council)

Members are appointed for a four-year period. The Danish Language Council nominates two members. The Danish Association for the Deaf, The Ministry of Higher Education and Science and The Ministry of Social Affairs, Housing and Senior Citizens each nominate one. The Minister of Culture then appoints one of the members to chair the group.

Who uses Danish Sign Language?

Approximately 4000 Danish citizens use Danish Sign Language as their primary language. This corresponds to approximately 0.1 % of the Danish population. In addition, we assume that about 20,000 people use the language daily either in a private, or in a professional capacity.

More on Danish Sign Language

Search for signs in Danish Sign Language in the Danish Sign Language Dictionary.


Danish Sign Language Council
Adelgade 119B
DK-5400 Bogense


+45 33 74 74 00
+45 33 74 74 15 (also SMS)



